Extracting Juicy info from an Image using Exif-Metadata

In this post i will show you how can you extract juicy information from an image like when it was created,modified ,what camera were used and lot of other info.This method could be useful for starting a Image forensic even it would not enough for some forensic research but at least it can give a good start.This can also be useful if you want to review your picture like what was the shutter speed , It's copyright information, Camera Model this information can be very useful for photographer if they want to find out what camera or settings were used for some particular photos.

What is Metadata
Metadata provide information about other data. Its is simply description of data . Metadata contain some elements describe below : 
  1. Who created it and when  
  2. Who last modified it and when 
  3. Tags and its categories
  4. Who can access and update
What is Exif Metadata
Image Source
Exif (Exchangable Image file format) data shows what camera model ,camera settings, ISO,exposure were used for taking a picture. Exif can also store on what date that picture was taken and it can also contain GPS location in it.Most camera has these settings by default which lead to store some personal info that was never meant to expose.So these information store in it called Exif Metadata 

Steps for retrieving Exif Metadata 
  •  Open your terminal and install Perl exiftool by typing apt-get install libimage exiftool-perl 

  •  Now to run it type exiftool then your image location which you want to inspect, for example my image is stored on desktop so i will type exiftool /root/Desktop/sample.jpg and press return.

  • And we got the data 

  • You can also export the output as php array for this just add -php after the command for example exiftool /root/Desktop/sample.jpg -php

  • Now you will get output like php array 

 There are lot of output format which you can use as per your need.You can also get output metadata in binary format by using -b options after the command.For all available options and output format you can see this official application documentation 
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