Pwning a person using basic Red team techniques and social engineering Attack

This time I have decided not to phish the user’s password instead I will pwn his device. I will generate persistent spyware which will log target’s keystrokes, screenshots and webcam snapshots (if the user has a webcam) STEP1: Gathering information This step is about to gather information about my target, as my target does not has any computers knowledge coming from arts medium (from his Facebook profile) it is easy to phish him, but first I am going to gather information about what OS is he using, what version of the operating system he is running. So to do this I created an IP tracer that will gather his user-agent info, his current location(if he gives access), what device is he using. When he opens the link I got all the information I required to prepare my attack and saved everything on the log file. Below is a snapshot of his device details. Now I know he is using windows 10 operating system so I can prepare my spyware keeping this information...